• Politics

    Here you can read stuff that I write about politics. Some of it will be excerpts from my other writing, but most of it will be original to this blog. Some of it will also be philosophical while other stuff will be more hyperbolic, but I’ve tried to make my political opinions as entertaining as possible. If you take issue with anything that I’ve said, feel free to leave a comment. I won’t censor unless you say something that completely slanderous.

    Carbon Dioxide & Canada Day

    by  • July 1, 2012 • Politics • 0 Comments

    Australia woke up to a new carbon tax this morning. Under this new tax: about 300 of the country’s largest polluters will pay $23 ($24 Cdn) for every tonne of carbon dioxide they emit. The tax is more than twice the cost of carbon pollution in the European Union, currently...

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    Democracy is Doomed

    by  • February 29, 2012 • Politics • 2 Comments

    A recent study has found that the majority of people just aren’t smart enough for democracy to work. As Live Science reports, research: shows that incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality of those people’s ideas. For example, if people lack expertise on...

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    Poor is the New Standard

    by  • January 14, 2012 • Politics • 0 Comments

    Yesterday, on Friday the 13th, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the credit ratings of nine euro-zone countries, stripping France and Austria of their coveted triple-A status. As Reuters reports: S&P cut the ratings of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus by two notches and the standings of France, Austria, Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia...

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    Shaming the Beast

    by  • November 21, 2011 • Politics • 0 Comments

    This is a video of UC Davis campus cops pepper spraying a group of student protestors without any justification, and then getting shamed off campus by the remaining protestors (a very different mainstream media account here). You care because you’re tired of hearing about a protest movement that you don’t understand because...

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    You Have No Rights

    by  • November 18, 2011 • Politics • 2 Comments

    So it looks like Occupy Wall St. is getting ugly. Police have started cracking down on protestors all over the US — from Oakland to Dallas to Pittsburg to NYC. You care because now you can assure yourself that the end might finally be in sight and stop feeling guilty for...

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    Fear and Loathing in the Great White North

    by  • November 15, 2011 • Politics • 0 Comments

    You know something is wrong when the British media pays attention to something that’s happened in Canadian politics. But last week, The Guardian reported how the Harper government (here in Canada) is slashing environmental spending, and the rest of the world is poised to pay for it with malignant melanoma cells:...

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    High Hopes

    by  • October 26, 2011 • Politics • 0 Comments

    I’ve started to cry when I read about the Occupy Wall Street. For the first time in years, I actually have hope that there’s hope for us, after all. But the higher the hope, the harder the fall if you get let-down. And that’s what’s been bringing me to tears. For...

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